3 Easy Steps to add value to your property without spending money

If you have time, energy, knowledge & motivation you can easily add value to your house.

It’s just a matter of working out how much of these things you can afford to work on and knowing what needs to be done!

When I first meet my clients, it’s normally because they feel confused, overwhelmed and are looking for direction.  They don’t know where to start and what is actually needed to be done before their property is ready to be put on the market and how to go about getting their head around what needs to be done.

This is their one chance to make an impression on the market place to get the absolute best possible outcome in the quickest amount of time. It’s important to get this right and I see so many mistakes that can be easily avoided.

Sometimes circumstance means there is little or no budget to spend on maintenance or professional styling.  In this instance, you’ll need to know what your reason is for doing what’s required, so you can spend your time and your energy on making it happen.

We all know what decluttering is, but to declutter to sell a home is quite different. This is the time for you to detach your emotional connection with the home and allow others to connect with it so they will pay whatever it takes to make it theirs.

It’s a proven fact that the more competition you have with buyers the higher the sale price will be.

You will be selling and you will be moving, so get motivated now to move out.

Work through each space of your home and sort into 3 categories

  • Items to remain

Go back to the basics. Only essential items you will be using for the sales campaign and over the next 6 months are to remain in the property

  • Items to be stored

You want to keep these and take them with you to your new home but they won’t be used or needed in the home during the sales campaign. Pack these items now in labelled boxes. You’ll still have access to them they’ll just be packed and ready to be moved and you’ll be grateful that you have already done this work, trust me…

  • Items to be donated, recycled or removed.

These items are the ones you have used and no longer need in your life. Set this as your task and find new homes for these items now...

Yes, just three categories will make all the difference to the process of selling your home! Once each and every area of your home has been approached using this technique, you’ll make your property stand out just that little bit more and for the right reasons. You’ll add instant value and the property will be ready to appeal to your buyers.

My clients also find it helps them to detach from their emotions and gives them an end goal to work towards. Best of all, once you sell, all the hard work will be done, ready for your next move and your new beginnings!

If you need to sell your Melbourne home and need help to understand exactly what to do, I’m opening 3 spots per week for strategy sessions to help homeowners just like you to understand how to increase your chances of getting the best price in the quickest amount of time.

Lisa Stafford