What does DOWNSIZING mean to you?

Put simply, downsizing is usually when someone sells their family home and moves to a smaller and more convenient house. The very idea of downsizing can bring up intense feelings. After all, you’re leaving the family home that is filled with cherished memories, and you might be feeling guilty about your excitement for what’s next, particularly if you have people in your life questioning your decisions. There is a fine balance between preserving the past and embracing what your future holds.

Here are some examples of the emotions felt and what comes to mind when you think about selling the family home:

The emotions of downsizing the family home

Nostalgia- Feeling sentimental about all the memories and moments shared with the family in the home

Attachment - Holding onto the sentimental value of the home which can make it difficult to let go

Guilt - Struggling with guilt over the decision to part with your home where so many memories were made

Grief - Coping with a sense of loss as the family home becomes a memory and belongs in the past

Anxiety - Feeling worried or uncertain about the process of selling the family home and moving to a new home

Anticipation- Eagerly awaiting the positive changes that come with moving into a home that is the right size for your new life

Optimism - Looking forward to the potential benefits of resizing, like lower maintenance, expenses and financial freedom

Relief- Experiencing a sense of relief at the thought of a more manageable space to live in 

Excitement- Feeling enthusiastic about the possibilities of a new chapter in your resized home

Contentment- Finding satisfaction in the decision to create a more comfortable living environment that will allow you to live your best life

That’s just the emotional side. The logistical side can be equally confronting. This can feel daunting and unmanageable when you start to look around and realise you have a home that is packed to the rafters with everything you have collected over the years. Let’s not forget that this can also include all the stuff everyone else has left behind as they left the nest. 

Where should you even begin?

Faced with such an unimaginable task, as well as the feelings that start to surface about what the next home might offer, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Especially if you discover your ideas of what downsizing means to you are very different to your partners.

I often play witness to discussions between couples that have lived together for the best part of their lives and soon discover they are on completely different planets when it comes to what that next chapter will look and feel like.

Downsizing does not necessarily mean moving to a smaller home and life. Let’s replace that word all together with a more fitting description of what this step in your life should be. I like to call it rightsizing. This is a unique opportunity for you to have a newfound freedom in your life and live lighter and with intent. A life that you get to choose.

There are many different reasons for people choosing to take this next step in their life. I have focused on 3 main scenarios that I believe will resonate in some way with where you are in your life. This will allow you to take the next step with confidence and conviction.

Scenario one 

Empty Nesters

After raising a loving family,  you may start to find your home is echoing with silence as the children have flown the nest to pursue dreams of their own. 

The home that was once full of life and a hub for all to gather may now seem too large for what you need. Downsizing or finding the right size for this next phase of life is a chance for you to embrace what type of lifestyle you want to create for yourself. Mixed feelings can surface if you and your home have been the hub for gatherings to celebrate events and special occasions. Some of us aren’t ready to let go of that, so the next home will need to be able to accommodate your growing family for these occasions. Working out what’s important now and what you are ready to change will help with what your next home needs.

This is an exciting time to discover and focus on your personal growth and the brand new way of living you can create. 

Scenario two

Financial Freedom Seekers

When a family is facing any type of financial strain that's due to the burden of maintaining a home that's too large, the thought of downsizing can be a beacon of hope and relief from financial stress. Changing over to the right sized home can bring with it a feeling of freedom to explore the possibilities life has to offer without the heavy feelings of excessive expenses and financial pressure. What opportunities would you have if the financial burdens were eased so your resources could be redirected towards more meaningful life experiences?

Scenario three

A Fresh Start 

Embark on a new life by exploring the adventures that await. It could be that you're entering retirement, starting a new career in a new location or just wanting to explore what else is out there. Taking a leap of faith means being prepared for a significant change, exploring the unknown or starting again in a different setting. 

Rightsizing is unique for each person. There is no such thing as one size fits all. You can find the joy and fulfilment you deserve during your rightsizing process. Make your own rules and enjoy the process of rightsizing your life.

The service I offer my clients includes a Right size Roadmap to discover the path to your perfect next home.

You can book your discovery call HERE