How To Enhance Your Entrance

There really is nothing like making a good first impression. You hear this all the time. So, what is a first impression?

It’s when someone has an encounter for the first time and forms an opinion.

In fact research tells us, it only takes 20 seconds for a buyer to make a decision.

With this in mind, you need to be able to welcome people to your home when they walk through the front gate, lead them up to the front door with intrigue and allow them to step inside the house for the first time with a sense of ease.   You will not get a second chance with most buyers as it’s the first and usually the last thing they will see. You want your home to stand out for all the right reasons.

I understand that most entrances are used as a place to kick of your shoes, drop your keys, hang up your coat and the kids will most likely leave their bags, bike helmets and the left over mud they found throughout the day.  If you’re going to make an impression you will need to transform this space to become the envy of all that enter which will also leave you feeling delighted with what you have achieved.

It’s about adding value to your home

Leave nothing to chance. Your job is to transform your entrance to an area that will declare your home’s style and continue that feeling throughout the entire inspection. This is one area that is sometimes overlooked because it’s not a dedicated room and is often not part of the photos that are used to promote the property.

I’ve prepared a checklist to help you understand what’s important and how to navigate your way through making a change that will count.

You can download your checklist HERE

Lisa Stafford